What are the healthiest sources of sugar?

In this article you will learn what are the healthiest sources of sugar.

Sugar has gotten a bad named in recent years and although it is true that sugary foods can contribute to weight gain, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver, it is important to understand the differences.

Natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables and dairy products are good for you and are easily digested by your body because of the fibre or protein content. These sugars should still be monitored so as to not go over your daily allotment for sugars (carbohydrates) and total daily calories.

Added sugars are sugars that either you add (adding to your tea or coffee) or are added to highly processed foods (donuts, breads etc). This is something that you should limit to less than 10% of your diet and aim to have more days with zero added sugars in your diet.

Artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes are low if not net zero in calories but can often have negative effects for some by still leaving the sweet craving and you then end up seeking out added sugar foods. This can lead to many health problems, therefore it is suggested to use these sugar options sparingly.

Below are examples of what are the healthiest sources of sugar:

💪 Monk fruit (use sparingly).

💪 Stevia leaf extract (use sparingly).

💪 Cane sugar (use within your daily recommended limits).

💪 Fruits.

💪 Vegetables.

💪Dairy products.

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