How often should I stretch?

In this article you will learn how often should I stretch?

When it comes to getting the benefits of stretching the best rule of thumb is to pick a routine (ie three times week, four times a week etc) and to be consistent with it. Then the more days that you do beyond that, you will get even better results more quickly. Another rule of thumb is that stretching before exercise should be held for no longer than 10 seconds and have a dynamic component to it for a warm-up that mimics the exercise ranges of motion you are about to perform. Then for static stretching at the end of exercising it should be held for 30 seconds or more to get the benefits.

Below are benefits of stretching:

💪 Reduced injuries.

💪 Improved mobility.

💪 Reduced stress.

💪 Maximizes your fitness potential.

💪 Higher quality of life.

💪 Increased life expectancy.

💪 Better sleep.

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