Aisosa Agbonlahor - Trainer

I specialize in bodybuilding and calisthenics, which i then incorporate resistance training principles for different types of training. This way you’re able to utilize multiple muscle groups and help them grow or tone up. All while preventing injuries and improving joint health!

Bodybuilding is a sport that requires long term dedication, discipline, and consistency.

Training involves isolated movements with priority place on controlling the tempo of the weight being moved

The most crucial aspect of the sport is the nutrition, and when competing, one’s nutrition is what separates first place from second. 

To be successful in this sport, you need to be precise with tracking your calorie intake and make sure you’re ingesting enough protein especially if participating in natural bodybuilding. 

The mental toughness you develop from this process remains long term and transfers into other aspects of one’s life.

Education & Certificates:

Bachelors in Kinesiology & Applied Health (University of Winnipeg).

Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA).

Certified Online Coach (ISSA).

Bodybuilding Specialist (ISSA)

CSEP High Performance Specialist.