Mobility routine

In this article you will learn what are the benefits of a mobility routine.

Having a consistent mobility routine will enhance your life in many ways, that it will leave you asking yourself why didn’t I start this years ago? The great thing about a mobility routine is that you can do it anywhere which will increase the likelihood of you doing it consistently. Remember that consistency gets results, so do your mobility routine everyday and you will see the rewards in all areas of your life.

Here’s a great routine that you can do seated or standing:


  1. Deep squats with alt reach (8)
  2. Fence step overs forwards and backwards (20 each)
  3. Lunge hold hip circles (10 each direction)
  4. Hamstring swoops (10/side)
  5. Arm circles forwards and backwards (15 each)
  6. Corkscrews (20) bw
  7. Handcuffs (20) bw


  1. Hinge forward and rotate side to side (20)
  2. Hinge forward rotate side to side and reach (20/side)
  3. Marching (20) 
  4. Straight leg raises (20)
  5. Arm circles forwards and backwards (15 each)
  6. Corkscrews (20) bw
  7. Handcuffs (20) bw

Here are some benefits of doing a mobility routine consistently:

💪 Reducing joint pain.

💪 Increasing joint strength.

💪 Reducing the chance for injuries.

💪 Improve your posture.

💪 Makes doing everyday activities much more productive.

💪Helps you recover from all your daily physical activities more effectively.

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