In this article you will learn how does diet affect my fitness goals.
It should go without saying that what you eat will affect the results on your fitness goals immensely either negatively or in a positive way. Unfortunately in the day and age of too much information, it can get confusing very easily to know and/or understand what might be best for your specific goals. Also, we as human beings have been conditioned to want results the fastest way possible with the least amount of effort expelled. This leaves a huge problem when it comes to getting optimal results, as consistency in eating healthfully for your goals is the biggest piece of the pie (pun intended).
If you are truly wanting results for your specific goals you will need to consistently eat whole foods (protein, fruit, veggies, grains) and limit (less than 5% of your diet) highly processed foods. Now wishing that you will need to adjust the macro nutrients accordingly based on your goals, fitness activity and current body weight. You will also need to look at where you are in your training periodization to ensure you are focused on the proper goals in order to achieve your big picture (12 month goal).
Below are benefits of eating a healthy diet consistently:
💪 Increased energy.
💪 Achieving your goals every week and month.
💪 Reduced illness and missing work.
💪 Improved mood.
💪 Higher quality of life.
💪 Increased life expectancy.
💪 Better sleep.