In this article you will learn 5 tips to stay on track during the holidays!
The holiday season is always the most difficult of holidays to keep focused on your health and fitness goals because of all the distractions and social commitments. Its important to take a big picture approach to this time of year and realize that perfection is not the goal, but moderation and still allowing yourself to enjoy the celebrations but not to fall completely off track. Our 5 tips to stay on track during the holidays are proven time and again to work 90% of the time. So get your holiday spirit ready and lets enjoy our friends and family while still feeling confident in our health goals.
Below are 5 tips to stay on track during the holidays:
💪 Eat a healthy snack before your big family dinner, event or if you are going out with friends etc.
💪 Choose your meal ahead of time from the menu so you are less likely to be convinced of a less healthy option.
💪 Choose foods that are high in protein and fibre to helps fill you up and are much lower in caloric content.
💪 Drink a big glass of water and wait twenty minutes before you have a second helping or that late night treat (often thirst is disguised as hunger).
💪 Save your calories for that one big meal you have planned with family or friends.