Brody Kowal - Trainer

From an early age, I demonstrated remarkable physical aptitude and an unwavering passion for sports. My family affectionately referred to me as “King Kong Bruiser Brody” because of my boundless energy and unwavering commitment to physical pursuits. Throughout my childhood, I actively participated in organized sports, where I internalized the fundamental principles of sportsmanship and the direct correlation between effort and results. This understanding fueled my determination to excel.


In my late teens, I discovered the gym, motivated by a desire to achieve a physically fit and muscular physique. As I progressed into my mid-20s, my aspirations shifted towards competitive bodybuilding. In 2014, I participated in the Manitoba Amateur Bodybuilding Association’s novice competition in the light-heavyweight bodybuilding category. This experience instilled in me a profound sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. I became captivated by the pursuit of self-improvement and dedicated myself to becoming the best version of myself through meticulous attention to training, nutrition, and the mastery of bodybuilding principles. Over the next decade, I competed in a total of nine bodybuilding shows, six at the regional level and three at the national level, achieving notable success by winning my regional class in consecutive years.


Arnold Schwarzenegger has six rules for success; the sixth and final rule is to help others and give back. To me, personal training presents an opportunity to fulfill this principle by helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. It is immensely gratifying to guide clients toward accomplishing their personal objectives and becoming the best versions of themselves.

Education & Certificates:

Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA).

Nutritionist Training (ISSA).

CPR & AED Training (ISSA).

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